Whoa, progress marches forward!

The good stuff: 

Fresh new cards are in!  "But how?" I hear you asking.  Easy!  I rewrote the backend for the 10th time.  Seriously though, I finally settled upon how I wanted to architected the game's crossroads of data  and functionality.  It makes it very easy to add new traits for use within cards.  Each trait is a package containing its mutable data and its functionality.  This means adding a new trait generates no unintended side-effects from  any other trait, and ensure the core of cards remains flexible and extensible.  Neat!

Content added:

  • As stated above, better data handling for cards.
  • AI Manager now actually runs cards in a supplied turn order.
  • Hand dealing functionality is ready for tuning based on card weights.
  • Reworked the core scene, check out the nifty deck graphic!
  • New cards, including: Bomblings, Squirms and Snark Beetles...
  • Better mouse handling.

Problems this week? 

Would it be a proper week if there weren't problems?  I suspect not.  I had a few spicy issues with specific card traits, but the biggest offender was Spawn On Death.  As you might've surmised, any card can have any number of traits - and one of these is Spawn On Death.  This trait has two flavors: a normal death spawn, and a "consumed" spawn.  Cards consuming others is more rare, and should cause the consumed card t change into something else.  This also allows a card to have a consumed spawn, but no actual spawn on normal death.

Anyway, Squirms are supposed to be able to take a hit, lose their shell, and keep on trucking.  But instead they were just dissolving into space when taking a hit!

Poor Squirms.  But what was the fix?

It turned out to be two separate issues.  Firstly, all cards have one or more card slots they occupy.  Due to some depreciated code ending up in the  SpawnOnDeath class, I was checking against every slot save for the main slot.  So cards were not being checked properly and it looked like they'd already spawned whatever they were supposed to.  

Secondly, while I was running turn order in a card by card fashion - I never actually checked after all cards had run to see if anything needed to be resolved.  I solved this by just looking through the discard pile at the end to see if any cards need to Spawn something else.  In the future it might be wise to rewrite how things resolve into a stack sort of system (a la MTG), so that cards still resolve in the correct order, but no one can get left out in the cold. 

As always: I'd love to hear your thoughts! 



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The hand part of the screen looks very nice ! Very cool to see how it's going each weeks.

Hey! Thanks, I hope you'll continue to check it out.  I have two updates after this one if you're interested.  Hopefully, next weeks update will be pretty juicy!


I adore the new tooltips! Sound effects are also juicy.


Sorry it took so long to get back to you - thank you.  I'm really going to crack down on making the sounds even better.  Next weeks update will show off the new music and likely some more sound effects.  I hope you'll check it out if your holiday plans aren't too crazy!


how much for a snorkbeetle sticker

But what if I told you SnarkBeetle was removed in the latest build?  Does that make the sticker even more rare?