More of a slow trot

The good stuff: 

Hey, it's that time again - update time!  Also, almost holiday break time.  Hopefully yours will be good.  I'll probably get bored after one day and work on this game some more.  As for the previous week, things are looking a little slower but I'm feeling pretty good about progress.  

Content added:

  • Menus that actually work
  • Several new cards.
  • Sound effects (not wired up, but finalized various sfx)

Check out some of these weirdos:

Problems this week? 

Does fighting with Unity count?   If so, let me tell you a story.  There is this issue with layer order, and this issue is one of my contriving.  It further stems from a more rootward issue: the one where I'm not fully comfortable with Unity Canvases.  I was having massive issues with the canvas anchoring and resizing menus for various resolutions.  As I would change to various resolutions some canvas elements would remain statically sized, and others not so much.  I thought I would "fix" this by just rolling my own UI from normal game objects, but this came with its own headache.  When I got to the point where I was making a dropdown menu for the resolution options, I realized I was reinventing the wheel...

A classic maneuver, to be sure:

So, I stopped myself.  I ended up using the canvas for almost everything except the backdrops.  This saved me from having to roll all sorts of menu bits when Unity has me covered.  As for the resizing issue, I figured it out.  Turns out I had messed up the camera settings at some point, and that just needed to be reset.  Finally, the draw order was solved via a simple shader, that always renders objects on top (and by order for the shader.)  I realize this week isn't that exciting, but I'm really starting to focus in on content and interactions between cards so the next few weeks should be really cool as far as starting to showcase actual gameplay!

Please, tell me what's on your mind...


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