Advent Update Three!

Advent Day Three!

What is it?  It's a load of new cards and a conceptual roadmap:

  • Several new plants and even a plant based tech-tree, whatever that means
  • The first of the plastic genus cards, including a generator, light-bulb, and a skimmer
  • A few hidden combo cards ???

What is a conceptual roadmap?  A slurry of quantum ideas that describes something between the state this game will be at for 1.0 and where I would love to take it after that.   Big rock items:

  • Refined ecological balancing 
  • More capable and nuanced AI
  • Biological systems
  • More cards (esp. in plant and bug categories)
  • Cards separated into card packs, for a better difficulty curve
  • Tons more card interactions
  • Seeded runs
  • And finally, any relevant community feedback

 Questions comments concerns?  Just post them here, as by now I'm certain you all know I'd love to hear from you.  With the three advent days over I'll be returning to the usual update process - and with that, see you all on Friday!



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The art, while surely not “final,” is consistently excellent, but do you plan on adding any additional elements to it? Animate the cloud over the sunset? Make the bugs squiggle?

You’ve caught me!  The art is getting closer to what I want / envision. As I draw more cards I’m developing “rules” to follow. However, I do plan on animating the cards after 1.0. It’ll just be a few frames of hand squiggling. 

Some other stuff will likely change (visually) over time.  The difference between the board, menus, and cards is really jarring at the moment. But yeah, visuals are an element I want to work on more. 


I like the past three updates you shared. As what do you express the development state of Sap? As I see from the roadmap, it looks like you are close to the vertical slice. If that is the case, I'd love to see a demo sometime to give it a go!


Absolutely, what I'm calling 1.0 will essentially be a very early-access state (or yes, it maybe more appropriate to call it a vertical slice.)  From there I plan on taking time to rewrite a few large portions of the underlying systems to support both more flexibility and more advanced processing of individual cards.  

If I haven't at any point made it clear - this is a final project for school, so I have some specific milestones I have to hit.  It is however, my project entirely as I'm running a solo "team" so I can continue to develop it however I please.  As for the demo, that's very much going to happen next month.  You will be among the first to have access to it.  I'd very much like to hear your thoughts!


That is awesome to hear. I'll be waiting for it patiently!